East Midlands Region

Thomas A' Becket

52 St James' Road
Emailku.oc.bupsunamcm@tekcebasamoht Telephone(01604) 751177
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessGamesCiderParkingSmokingFunction RoomDog FriendlySports TVWiFiServes LocAleLive MusicMember Discount Scheme
Opening times: Mon–Thu 11:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 11:00-24:00; Sun 11:00-22:00
Regular beers: Black Sheep Best Bitter, Fuller's --varies--, Young's --varies--

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This pub is named after Thomas Becket who was imprisoned at Northampton castle. This 17th century pub has changed very little. The pub has an L-shaped bar with wooden flooring / beams and leather bench seating. Outside is a Marquee covered area.