East Midlands Region

Kings Head

Hugh Street
DN37 0LL
Emailku.oc.sbupgnilzzis@ybsmirgdaehsgnik Telephone(01472) 826452
Real AleFamily FriendlyLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessCiderParkingFunction RoomSports TVLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Sun 12:00-23:00

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As with many others, this place has undergone a “knock-through” in the past, although not of any age since replacing a pub of the same name adjacent to the present incumbent. This has resulted in a “half-square” arrangement with one side representing a lounge area. A single hand pump serves real cider. Not much more to say except that this is a “Sizzling Pub” and thus concentrates on food to a degree with an extensive menu available throughout the day.