East Midlands Region

Lime Tree

2 Cambridge Road
Emailku.oc.enotstehweertemil@sgnikoob Telephone(0116) 286 3195
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessParkingSmokingRestaurantLive Music
This pub is temporarily closed.
Regular beers: Sharp's Doom Bar

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

The pub reports in 2025:

Sadly, we were badly effected by flooding in early January, and will be closed while we carry out structural repairs, fully redecorate the bar and restaurant, and install brand new equipment in our kitchen. We are working hard to be back open by April.

Refurbished and renamed Lime Tree in June of 2015. Kaffir is also a variety of lime, hence the origin of the pub's new inoffensive name. The main bar at the front has the appearance of three rooms knocked through to form one large room with sufficient bits of the dividing walls left intact to maintain a perception of distinct individual areas. To the rear there is a large restaurant. Outside there is a paved area with picnic tables and then at the back a very large garden with a well-equipped childrens play area. Popular for family dining, with vegan and gluten free menus available.